Can Peep Sight Rotation Be Fixed? 4 Easy Methods That Work

Installing a Peep Sight

If you’ve ever drawn back your bow and looked through a peep sight that has rotated or twisted you know the frustration. Arrgh! Even if it’s just a tiny bit twisted, like one-eighth of an inch, it can make a big difference between getting a clean view through the peep leading into your main sight and on to the target. 

I currently use a 3 pin main sight and have had peep sight rotation happen to me several times. Once after I hadn’t used my bow for several months and another time when I was breaking in a set of new bowstrings. A third time it happened during an outing in the field. 

What Is The Cause Of Peep Sight Rotation?

The main cause of the dreaded and unwanted peep sight rotation is the stretching of new string fibers. A common reason is that you don’t have your new bow string broken in. The break in period is at least 100 cycles with an arrow. Another reason is there could be low quality fibers in your bowstring. Heat and humidity can also cause the string to stretch and rotate a small amount. Hot and cold weather can cause either stretching or retracting. Keep in mind it doesn’t take much change in the string to cause peep sight rotation. The main cause of peep sight rotation is not having the string seated or broken in which we will talk more about in this segment.

How to fix and prevent peep sight rotation

The first 3 options you can use are going to be without using a bow press, and the fourth will require a bow press. At the end we will summarize with how to avoid peep rotation altogether so you will have a full understanding of this problem and feel very confident it won’t ever ruin your archery fun again.

Cost $Need a bow press?Need extra materials?Can do in field?
Fix 1: $0NoNoYes
Fix 2: $5NoYesYes
Fix 3: $3NoYesYes
Fix 4: $30YesNoNo

Fix option 1 of 4:

Use the D-loop rotation method. Probably the easiest of the 4 methods. This may not be a permanent fix but worth a try because it’s so simple and easy. This is how to do it.

Simply loosen the 2 ends of the D-loop and twist a small amount in the direction of the peep sight twist. This will offset the twist on the sight by actually turning the string just enough so the sight aligns with your eye.

Two things can happen in the long term with this method. You may need to loosen and adjust the D-loop several times to get the peep aligned exactly how you want it while in full draw but it doesn’t cost anything to perform this method and just takes a little trial and error. 

Tip: If you have less than 100 cycles on your bowstring, meaning you are drawing the string all the way back with the proper arrow fully nocked and then releasing the bow string, you will want to get these completed. It’s best to use this D-loop rotation method only after you’ve completed the break in period of the 100 cycles. Before that the string isn’t fully seated and could stretch just a small amount.

Fix option 2 of 4:

This method doesn’t require a bow press but does require using a string silencer. You can pick one up at just about any store that has bow accessories for a few dollars or find some really inexpensive ones online.

If your peep sight is tied in then you will need to untie it and retie or serve it once you’re finished installing your peep. Just slip it into the string and move the string silencer until your peep is aligned exactly where you want it.

If you are already using a string silencer then just move it a little up or down and you’re all set. Lots of people like to use cat whiskers as the device for their string silencer.

In this case if you are using one then I wouldn’t move it around much as you can break the fibers in it since they are so delicate. Adding a solid string silencer would be a better idea and you can leave the cat whiskers device in the string or remove it.

It may be a better idea to remove it altogether because the new string silencer will do the job now. Here is a quick video that will help you get this method perfected so you can get out in the field and start using your bow accurately again. Here is a quick video depicting this method:

Fixing peep sight rotation without a bow press

Fix option 3 of 4:

In this method we will be using a piece of heavy yarn or string. If your peep is tied in and you must untie it so you can slide the heavy string or yarn between equal strands of your bow string.

Do the same as the last tip but just move the piece of yarn until your peep becomes perfectly aligned again.

That’s all there is to it and just leave the yarn or heavy string you used in the string. You may want to trim it just a little but that’s up to you. Here is a great quick video to help you along and completely understand this method:
Fixing peep sight rotation using a simple piece of heavy yarn

Fix option 4 of 4:

In this last method we will be using a bow press and actually removing the string from the cams and twisting the bow string.

Most people don’t have a bow press at home so you more than likely will need to go to a bow shop to get this done. Take note again as we mentioned earlier that its best to have at least 100 cycle uses on the bow string. That means uses with the proper arrow for your bow not just pull and release and definitely not dry firing.

This break in period ensures the string has stretched to its maximum so you will avoid needing to adjust it repeatedly to align the peep sight. Once you place your bow in the bow press simply remove the bottom bowstring and twist ½ turn in the direction you need the peep sight to rotate so it’s in alignment. Reattach the string.

Do the exact thing to the top part of the string twisting ½ turn in the direction you need to twist the peep sight to get it in alignment. Take your bow out of the bow press and see if it’s aligned. If not repeat the process again. Here is a quick video on how to do this using a bow press:

Fixing peep sight rotation using a bow press

How To Avoid Peep Sight Rotation Altogether

If you bought your bow with a factory string already installed there isn’t much you can do except break it in with at least 100 cycles and see what happens.

However if you want to remove the factory string and have a custom bowstring made you will be able to eliminate the rotation and twisting of the peep sight altogether.

See your local bow shop and they can make one for your bow size and draw length. They will pre-stretch your new custom made string using tremendous force. These custom made bow strings can seat themselves in as few as 30 cycles at a target and won’t move or twist for the life of the string.

Eliminate Peep Sight Twist On Your Bows Factory String

The more you use your bow the least likely it is to have a peep sight twisting problem. Try to get at least 100 cycles with your string using an arrow within specifications, weight and length, before adjusting peep sights very much.

If you don’t follow this rule you will probably need to adjust it again and again until the 100 cycles are completed. It’s smart to use the first technique we presented during the break in time if your peep sight begins to twist, the D-loop method, until you get these full 100 cycles on your bowstring.

Remember that we twisted the D-loop in the same direction the sight was twisted just a small amount to get our peep realigned again when the string is drawn.

When you install your peep sight make sure you put it in the center of the string fibers. That means an equal count of string fibers on each side. Otherwise you could weaken your string and cause a misalignment of your peep sight.

Most strings are made with two colors of fiber nowadays so it’s much easier to get it centered than in years past. Be cautioned that some people will tell you to align your peep sight by placing more fibers on one side than the other.

I don’t recommend this method. In the fix options above we covered the best methods to fix your peep sight rotation so it doesn’t happen on that bow again. Now that you’ve eliminated your peep sight twisting problem go out and enjoy your bow.

It would be best to use your target and practice around 20 times to make sure everything is secure and seated enough before you take a trip into the field or woods.

Once you implement one or more of these techniques you will have many years of trouble free archery fun, and always remember to abide by your archery safety rules and regulations. 

Martin Hamilton

Archery lover and compound bow enthusiast. Love all types of archery. The current technology in compound bows, crossbows, recurve bows and arrows is truly amazing. I was an airline mechanic for years and got introduced to advanced composites. Great to see them put to use in this amazing sport.

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